Here at TwoTen we are committed to making our services available to every device the kids these days might use. This is why we’re working to provide an application that will run on Firefox OS and provide your children with protection while using mobile Internet on their "first phone". Why we think this would be a good idea? Well, while Firefox OS comes with most of the features other well known mobile operating systems offer, it is completely open source and it’s designed with lower specification devices in mind. And this is great because to build a phone that runs on Firefox OS yet can take a few knocks (or unplanned arrival in pools of water…) will be cheap, which is basically the ideal specification for a child’s first phone ;).
There are already some preview phones out there running Firefox OS and our team has recently got their hands on one. It’s a Keon Geeksphone. Go ahead and follow that link and see the impressive price tag for specifications you would usually find at double that with the well known brands. Apart from that we were very pleased by the box it came in and the arrangement of each piece within the box.

We’ll be trying our best to make sure that the TwoTen Cube will be just a good an experience for you and your children!